Curves App Testnet on Form

We have launched the Curves App on the Form Testnet. The Form Testnet is built on Sepolia and uses the OP stack.

Warning: The contracts are still being updated based on the final audit. If we upgrade the contracts on testnet, you'll need to start over.

Step-1: Signup to the Curves App via your Twitter account.

Step-2: Copy the address under "Send to Form" - this is your Form address (created via privy).

Step-3: Get some funds on Form via the faucet by entering your Form address from the above step and click "Request Tokens".

Step-4: Click 'Buy your token for $0' to mint your token. You'll need to pay for gas fees.

Step-5: You'll enter the "Mint your ERC20 screen". You can convert your Curves Token into a standard ERC20 token for interoperability across the entire Ethereum network. You'll need to do this if you want to start a liquidity pool for instance. You can skip this step (we'll automatically generate your symbol and name in that case).

Step-6: That's it! You can start using Curves. Go to the Explore section and find people you can chat with after buying their token.